What are your Hours and Schedules?
Normal hours are from 8:30am-5:30pm* Monday through Friday. We have early drop off at 7:30am and late pick up at 6:30pm should parents need to extend regular school hours. BedRock offers a variety of programs, such as: 5, 3, or 2 full days.
* During COVID, we have created a staggered schedule to ensure the safety of all.
Infant / Toddlers (including young 2's) Drop off 8:30-8:45am and Pick up 4:30-4:45pm
At what Age does BedRock accept students?
We serve children from 3 months through 5 years of age.
How do you Group Children?
We typically determine the placement of your child based on age; however, we consider many other factors upon deciding the make up of a classroom. Such factors would include: boy to girl ratio, different personalities, age, readiness, social emotional development, etc…
Is there Space in the program to enroll my child? Does my child need to be Potty Trained?
Enrollment is on-going and a child may enter at any time during the year. We do not have a potty-trained prerequisite for two or three years old. Parents can email Mego@BedRockPresachoo.com to find out about availability and space.
How will I know what kind of day my child had?
Electronic notes are emailed to parents on a daily basis. These daily notes include information such as: mood of child, amount of food/lunch child ate, books read, songs and music sang, diapering and potty schedule, activities, outdoor play time, etc… Pictures and even videos are sent to parents!!
Is there a Transition Period for my child? How do parents handle Separation Anxiety?
The first few days of school are known as “Phase-In.” During a transition period children will meet their new teachers and classmates, and are gradually familiarized with school and classroom routines. Parents or guardians will receive a specific schedule for your child's transition. If you are in doubt as to whether you should leave the classroom ask your child’s teacher. One parent is expected to be available for portions of Phase-In to meet their children’s teachers and to fill out appropriate forms. The length of time it takes before your child attends a full schedule will depend on the age and the individual child. Children are all unique.
Never try to sneak out while your child is engaged in an activity. Always give a kiss or hug and say “goodbye” and most importantly, always say that you’re coming back. Teachers and Director are available to help any child who is having a particularly tough transition and teachers will provide necessary feedback to parents during the process.
Separation anxiety is a normal developmental stage where children experience anxiety when they are separated from their parent. Separation is a process. Some children have no separation anxiety and some children experience anxiety for several weeks. It is important to comfort the child and let them know it is okay to cry or feel upset. Teachers manage separation by utilizing proven strategies to lessen the unknown, such as classroom visitation, consistent schedules and routines, bringing familiar items from home, and creating a open and honest communication with parents.
What are the Qualifications of Teachers?
All of our Prek head teachers have a Masters in Early Childhood Education and are certified in Early Childhood Education. Head teachers in the infant / toddler rooms may have a degree in Early Childhood Education or in a different field such as Elementary Educaiton, Psychology, English, Theater). Above all, we seek teachers with experience and passion to be in this field. All staff members undergo a comprehensive background check (such as federal clearance for fingerprinting, medical exam, reference checks, scr clearance, child abuse training, cpr / first aid, etc...) On an ongoing basis, our staff work closely with each other and the program director to develope lesson plans. BedRock Preschool also provides continuing in-service training and enables teams of teachers to attend conferences and workshops to bring back the latest in concepts, methods, and materials. Our staff meetings with the educational director serve as one of the most important training and resource gathering periods for our teachers. Our teachers have the energy, intellect, and charisma that take children on a magical and challenging voyage of discovery. Our teachers are well-educated and nurturing people who respect the children’s need for security while encouraging autonomy.
What is the Teacher Student Ratio?
All classrooms have a qualified early childhood educator leading the class and an experienced assistant teacher. In addition to these two primary teachers, we have floaters that “float” from classroom to classroom when there is a need for additional help. Classrooms may also have student teachers from cooperating colleges and Special Education Itinerant Teachers working with individual students. BedRock Preschool is licensed by the Department of Health Division of Day Care and meets all of their requirements.
What is your Discipline Policy?
Discipline is a process of learning self-control, respect for others, and responsibility. Positive methods of discipline will be practiced at all times so children are aware of an acceptable code of conduct at school. Efforts to help students understand behaviors that are allowed, accepted, and encouraged (including individual charts, plans, and contracts) will be used. Other stop-and-think strategies that lead to positive results through positive reinforcement, good role modeling and redirection will also be used. For any on-going issues, teachers will communicate with parents so that school and home are working together with a child’s best interests in mind.
To help children learn to manage their actions and feelings, teachers will model sharing, waiting, taking turns, solving problems, controlling impulses, and expressing ideas through words.
How do you cater to Individualized Learning? Does the school accommodate a SEIT Program?
Individualized learning in a preschool setting can take on many different forms. First and foremost, it requires patience and dedication from the teacher, as well as top-notch organizational skills. The teacher must have ample time to observe the students in his/her classroom, and be able to implement lesson plans that cater to each of her student's needs individually. While lesson planning can still be organized in a general format, it will also be necessary to outline specific goals for each student. In some cases, it may only be necessary to implement preschool individualized learning in only one area, such as speech development. In other cases, the full curriculum will be affected. One child may learn best by listening, another child may be a visual learner and need to see what is being taught. Giving each child the opportunity to learn in the way that is best for them means that you are giving them the confidence they need to be independent learners.
BedRock Preschool welcomes the SEIT program. Upon enrollment, the Director will discuss the child’s specific needs and determine if the school can accommodate the child. The primary goalof the SEIT Program is to provide additional educational support in order to maximize a child's success and growth within a typical pre-school, early childcare setting or within the home. The SEIT is responsible for carrying out the child's Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals and working with the child towards the achievement of his or her IEP goals.
What is BedRock’s Teaching/Learning Philosophy and Curriculum?
We provide a nurturing program that unfolds the authentic spirit and character of each child while educating their hearts and minds. Our teachers seek to instill a deep and lasting academic excellence, one that prepares children to learn confidently for the rest of their lives and to give generously and joyfully to others.
Our curriculum focuses on activity-based settings to educate students for academic excellence and personal integrity in a diverse coeducational community that emphasizes responsibility, stimulates collaboration, and promotes mutual respect. Students learn to have confidence, independence, high self-esteem and develop a joy of learning. We follow Creative Curriculum (thematic units) with a modified Montessori approach to learning.
Do you accommodate allergies and dietary restrictions?
It is our goal to keep each child with a food allergy safe and to honor identified food restrictions to best of our ability. The teachers will post all food allergies in the classroom in clear view along with the child’s photo. In order to best meet the children’s special dietary needs, it is essential that the center staff and parents work closely together. Parents should discuss it with the Director and the child’s teachers upon enrollment. Parents must submit written documentation with specific guidelines for addressing each special type of dietary need and food allergy
If the child’s physician prescribes an Epi Pen, parents are responsible for providing this in a zip lock bag with the child’s first and last name clearly labeled, as well as the medication’s expiration date. The Epi Pen will be stored in the classroom emergency bag, 5 feet above the floor in a visible location. If the child’s allergy status changes, parents must notify the staff and Director of these changes and update the child’s posted allergy sheet in the classroom.
What kind of Hot Lunch Program do you provide?
Good nutrition is the BedRock of lifelong health, and it begins in infancy. Healthy eating can stabilize children’s energy, sharpen their minds, and even out their moods. At BedRock, we have partnered with Red Rabbit Catering program. Parents have the option to sign up at a low price about $7.00 per day, which includes hot breakfast, lunch, snack, organic milk and juice. Before parents sign up, there will be an opportunity for you to speak with the chef/reps and have a food tasting. Parents may also pack their child’s lunch.
Red Rabbit, “Delivers nutritious, farm-fresh breakfasts, lunches and snacks to independent and charter schools throughout New York City. Our executive chef and team of nutritionists and pediatricians have developed delightful menus that are kid tested and approved. We use only the best ingredients and visit local farmers markets to select the freshest seasonal fruits and vegetables. We prepare everything from scratch in our own kitchen and deliver it right to your child’s school. And our programs go beyond great school meals. We’ve developed exciting interactive labs that let children learn how food is grown and prepared. These educational opportunities bring food to life in a way that sparks curiosity and makes even picky eaters eager to try new things.”
When is Nap Time?
All full day 8:30-5:30pm have naptime from 12:30-2:30pm except the UPK classrooms which nap from 12:30-1:30pm. Classroom lights are off and soft/classical music plays in the background. (Morning naps are available for the toddler classroom). All classes rest either on cots or mats. Crib sheets and blankets are sent home weekly to be laundered and brought back. Children who do not fall asleep after 20 minutes may do “quiet” work until the majority of children are up. Children who do not nap learn to remain quiet and respect others who are napping. Children who fall asleep are allowed to wake up naturally.
How frequently are Toys and Classroom Sanitized?
The toys and classrooms are sanitized on a daily basis. Teachers follow a detailed checklist and sign off upon cleaning. Toys and surface areas are sanitized by the mandated 1:9 ratio bleach to water solution. Our housekeeper also maintains school appearance and cleaniness.
Sample Schedule
Sample Schedule for Toddler (age 1-2)
Infants/toddlers typically do not follow a set schedule; however, we aim to place each child onto a similar schedule each day to help parents establish a routine. Each child will partake in the following activities listed below throughout the day.
8:30-9:00 Morning Drop off / Table toys / Free Play
9:00-9:15 Diaper change- frequently changed throughout the day
9:15-9:45 Morning bottle/Breakfast- bottles are given based on parents’ instructions
9:45-11:30 Outdoor play/ Circle time/ Story time / Morning nap if needed
(Naps are flexible and vary for each child. Teachers will never wake a sleeping baby. Students will eventually acclimate to one afternoon nap.)
11:30-12:15 Afternoon bottle/ Lunch
12:15-12:30 Wash up / Getting ready for naptime
12:30-2:30 Nap Time
2:30-3:00 Clean up/ Diaper change
3:00-3:30 Afternoon Bottle/ Snack
3:30-4:00 Outdoor play/ Library/ Specialty program ie: art, music, yoga, dance, foreign languages.
4:00-4:20 Art project- all projects focus on experience (sensory) over product.
4:20-5:00 Story time/ Free play (ie: musical table, bouncer, mat area, tummy time)/ Late afternoon bottle/ Diaper change
5:00- 5:15 Sensory activities/ Table toys
5:15-5:30 Dismissal
5:30-6:30 Mixed age group/ Night Owl
Sample Schedule for Preschool (age 2-3)
8:30-9:00 Morning Drop off / Manipulative play and table toys
9:00-9:15 Potty training/ Wash up for breakfast
9:15-9:45 Breakfast- Family Style
9:45-10:00 Clean up/ Potty training
10:00-10:20 Circle time / Story time
10:20-10:35 Potty training
10:35-11:15 Outdoor play/ Library/ Learning centers/ Art project
11:15-11:30 Potty training/ Wash up for lunch
11:30-12:15 Lunch time
12:15-12:30 Wash up / Getting ready for naptime
12:30-2:30 Nap time
2:30-3:00 Potty training/ Wash up for snack
3:00-3:30 Afternoon snack
3:30-3:45 Story time
3:45- 4:15 Special activity (art, music, yoga, dance, foreign languages)
4:15- 5:00 Outdoor play/ Learning centers/ Manipulative play/ Potty training
5:00- 5:15 Review of morning circle time/ Coloring/ Sensory activities/ Table toys
5:15- 5:30 Dismissal
5:30- 6:30 Mixed age group/ Night Owl
Sample Schedule for Pre-K (age 3-6)
8:30-9:00 Morning drop off / Manipulative play and table toys
9:00-9:15 Bathroom / Wash up for breakfast
9:15-9:45 Breakfast- Family Style
9:45-10:00 Clean up/ Bathroom
10:00-10:40 Circle time/ Discussions about weekly theme and weather/ Question of the day/ Colors/ Center time
10:40-11:15 Outdoor play/ Library/ Learning centers/ Art project
11:15-11:30 Bathroom / Wash up for lunch
11:30-12:15 Lunch time
12:15-12:30 Wash up / Getting ready for naptime
12:30-2:30 Nap time
2:30-3:00 Bathroom / Wash up for snack
3:00-3:30 Nutritious snack time
3:30- 4:15 Special activity (art, music, yoga, dance, foreign languages) / Library
4:15- 5:00 Outdoor play/ Learning centers/ Manipulative play/ Bathroom
5:00- 5:15 Review of morning circle time/ Coloring/ Sensory activities/ Table toys
5:15- 5:30 Dismissal
5:30- 6:30 Mixed age group/ Night Owl